Design for Health

Applying design innovation to improve healthcare



Course instructors:

Larry Chu, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Anesthesia
Director, Stanford AIM Lab

Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH
Engagement Behavior Designer
Persuasive Technology Lab

Consulting course directors:

Dennis Boyle
General Partner, IDEO Health & Wellness Practice

Nick Dawson, MHA
Principal at better. healthcare consulting
President-elect, Society for Participatory Medicine

Katie McCurdy
UX Designer & Researcher focusing on Healthcare
Katie McCurdy Experience Design LLC

Course description: This colloquium course will broadly explore the crucial role design can play in optimizing healthcare. We will explore principles of design-thinking and patient-centered design, and examine their impact on innovating solutions to healthcare problems. We’ll hear patients speak about their challenges and learn about their real-world solutions and insights into the nature of health and illness. From designing hospitals and communities to shape individual behavior, to learning about designing for service innovations, mobile apps or emerging health technologies, we’ll have design experts share their knowledge and design stories in order to understand how healthcare providers might better design for health.

Course logistics:  ANES 206, Spring Quarter 2014. Class ID #63287. 2 units, Thursday evenings, 5:30-7 pm, Stanford School of Medicine LKSC .

Grading: Letter grade is based on participation. Med, CR/-CR based on attendance of at least 2 classes. Attendance optional as online recordings are available for students to view missed classes.

Open to all Stanford university students. Community members are welcome on a limited space available basis (see Eventbrite below when tickets are released).

April 3, 2014 – Introduction to Design for Health: Design Thinking the IDEO Way

Speaker: Dennis Boyle, Founding Partner, Health and Wellness Practice, IDEO

Activity Assignment #1: 

Write something short about you, your work and your passions. Try and incorporate why designing for health matters to you. Post it to your blog or Tumblr page. If you use the #MedX hashtag on Tumblr, we’ll find it and reblog it onto our Stanford Medicine X Tumblr Account!

April 10, 2014 – Designing with Empathy

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Richard Anderson | Lecturer: Annie Valdes, IDEO

Activity Assignment #2:

Interview someone in your life about a health challenge or service experience they have had. You may use video, audio or text for your interviews.

April 17, 2014 – Designing for Wearability

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Christopher Snider | Lecturer: Matthew Diamond, MD, PhD, Misfit Wearables

Activity Assignment #3: Prototype: Sketch, mock up, design, or build something which might help solve the challenge you learned about during your empathy interview.

April 24, 2014 – Doctor as Designer

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Jamia Crockett | Lecturer: Alan Greene, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Scanadu

Activity Assignment #4: Storytelling: Describe the innovation you prototyped and how the person for whom you innovated responded. Don’t be scared to report failures.

May 1, 2014 – Co-design: Bringing Users into the Process

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Katie McCurdy | Lecturer: Nick Dawson, President-elect, Society for Participatory Medicine

Activity Assignment #5: Co-design: Repeat the prototype process, but this time, involve the person you interviewed during week 2. Get them to help you build something, or refine your idea. Write about or video that experience.

Suggested Readings:

1. “Enabling Co-Design”
2. Participatory Design Resources from Katie McCurdy:

May 8, 2014 – Designing for Health in the Workplace

Moderator: David Ngo | Lecturer: Jennifer Kurkoski

May 15, 2014 – Designing for Social Connection

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Emily Kramer-Golinkoff | Lecturer: Aza Raskin, Jawbone (formerly Massive Health and Firefox)

Activity Assignment #6: Social Connection: Using your favorite social media network (twitter, Facebook, Linked in, YouTube, etc) – host a mini design challenge back asking a ‘how might we’ question. Dig deep into replies from your social connections and ask about their experiences. Use Storify to create a post for your charrette

May 22, 2014 – Designing for the Physical Environment

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Joe Riffe | Lecturer: David Ruthven, Patient Room 2020

May 29, 2014 – Advocating for Patient-Centric Design

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Alan Brewington | Lecturer: Amy Tenderich (Diabetesmine)

June 5, 2014 – Putting it All Together

ePatient Speaker and Moderator: Emily Bradley | Lecturer: Nick Dawson and Dennis Boyle








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