Engage and Empower Me: Myths and Truths of Designing for Patient Behavior
Course instructors:
Larry Chu, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Anesthesia
Director, Stanford AIM Lab
Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH
Engagement Behavior Designer
Persuasive Technology Lab
Course description: What happens when the $3 trillion U.S. healthcare industry suddenly hinges on patient engagement? Hear the unforgettable patient stories and real-life experiences of successful patient engagement from the industry leaders in healthcare, wellness, and behavior sciences. Understand the neuroscience behind why doctors can’t simply scare patients and employers can’t simply bribe employees into healthy behaviors. Discover how including patients in the design process can empower them to work with their healthcare team to improve care. Learn where health educators, designers, techies, and investors got it wrong and what they can do to improve their success. This colloquium offers rapid-fire panels of guest speakers, real patients and Stanford faculty.
Course logistics: ANES 205, Winter Quarter 2014. Course ID #215131. 1-2 units, Thursday evenings, 5:30-7 pm, Stanford School of Medicine LKSC (first half hour is project-based work for in-person students taking for credit, colloquium starts at 6 pm. to 7 pm, followed by dinner/networking). To receive 2 units of credit, students will need to complete a class project.
Grading: Attendance to at least eight of ten class sessions is required for credit for Stanford students enrolled for CR/NC grading. If an emergency arises where you may need to miss more than two classes, please contact the course TA, Mr. Sanford Roberts. Students enrolled for 1 unit letter grade will also be assessed on class participation as measured by engagement in online social media discussions on the class LinkedIn page and Twitter. The quality of participation and engagement will be assessed through review of social media transcripts of the #MedX hashtag during and after each class session, retweeting of comments and liking of discussion threads on LinkedIn. Students enrolled for 2 units will be required to complete a class project (details to follow).
Open to all Stanford university students. Community members are welcome on a limited space available basis (see Eventbrite below)
January 9, 2014 ClassSuggested Readings
January 16, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
January 23, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://dschool.stanford.edu/
dgift/ - http://thehealthcareblog.com/
blog/tag/patient-engagement/ - http://www.
healthcaredesignmagazine.com/ article/design-patients-mind - http://www.slideshare.net/
timbrown/ideo-values- slideshare1
January 30, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/
Cognitive_Psychology_and_ Cognitive_Neuroscience/ Motivation_and_Emotion - http://www.colbertnation.com/
the-colbert-report-videos/ 392756/july-21-2011/david- eagleman (FOR FUN! *smile) - http://www.newyorker.com/
reporting/2011/04/25/110425fa_ fact_bilger
February 6, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://susannahfox.com/2013/
07/15/participatory-research- its-not-everything-its-the- only-thing/ - http://susannahfox.com/2013/
05/10/one-voice-many- inflections-hiv-clinical- trial-communications/
February 13, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://www.drdansiegel.com/
books/pocket_guide_to_ interpersonal_neurobiology/ - http://www.drdansiegel.com/
books/brainstorm/ - http://www.drdansiegel.com/
February 20, 2014 Class
February 27, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://engagingthepatient.com/
- Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Live – by Nicholas A. Christakis
- Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal
March 6, 2014 Class
Suggested Readings
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=oro19-l5M8k - Wall Street Journal Article
- National Public Radio
- MIT Technology Review
- ePatient Blog
- The Promise of User-Generated Health
- Completing the picture: the value of user-generated health data streams
March 13, 2014 Class
PRELIMINARY COURSE OUTLINE (Schedule subject to change)
- [January 9, 2014] Clinical and industry importance of patient-centered design & engagement – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturer Nick Dawson
[Community Member Class Registration Open – Waitlist only] - [January 16, 2014] Behavior change myths and behavior design – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturer BJ Fogg, and ePatient Britt Johnson.
[Community Member Class Registration Open] - [January 23, 2014] Design thinking – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturers Dennis Boyle, Brian Garcia, and ePatient Liza Bernstein.
[Community Member Registration Open] - [January 30, 2014] Neuroscience of engagement (fMRI data, research studies, System I & II thinking) [Community Member Class Registration Open]
- [February 6, 2014] Participatory research – Tools to help you listen more in order to learn about what patients want – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturer Susannah Fox and ePatient Brett Alder [Community Member Registration Open]
- [February 13, 2014] Compassion, connection and engagement: how health arises from our mind, body, and relationships – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with Dan Siegel and ePatient Jody Schoger [Community Member Registration Open]
- [February 20, 2014] Leveraging social and relationships in patient engagement – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturers Roni Zeiger, Gilles Frydman and ePatient Sarah Kucharski [Community Member Registration Open]
- [February 27, 2014] Using triggers for behavior change (texting program success, sensors/alert devices) – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturers Henry Albrecht and Devin Gross and ePatient Nicole Estañol [Community Member Registration Open]
- [March 6, 2014] Self-tracking: when, who, and for how long patients will engage – Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturers Chris Hogg, Rick Valencia and Ernesto Ramirez and ePatient Hugo Campos [Community Member Registration Open]
- [March 13, 2014] Building a habit Dr. Larry Chu & Dr. Kyra Bobinet with special guest lecturers Nir Eyal and ePatient Dana Lewis [Community Member Registration Open]